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Utah Self Storage


Phone (801) 262-1839
Mobile (801) 262-1839 - Mobile
Fax (801) 606-2735 - Fax
Address 3720 S 900 E,
Salt Lake, UT 84106 United States


Utah Self Storage is the leading provider of household storage and business self storage in the Holladay, Magna, Murray, Salt Lake City, Sandy and Springville Utah areas. We also provide storage in Lubbock Texas. We have state-of-the-art storage that is designed to cater to your unique storage requirements, providing you with various sizes in self storage units to meet your exact storage needs. We offer the most competitive rates in the area.
Our amenities include: climate control, temperature control, coded gate access, surveillance cameras, residential managers, easy loading.
Whether you are looking for short or long-term storage, Utah Self Storage is the right storage for your family and for your company in the Holladay, Magna, Murray, Salt Lake City, Sandy and Springville Utah areas, as well as Lubbock Texas. We help protect your belongings all year long. Our state-of-the-art storage facilities are just what you are looking for. Call Utah Self Storage today or visit us online at For storage in Lubbock Texas, please visit

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